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UK Karnataka Business Meet 2013 at UK Parliament, London

On 7th November, 2013 , this summit was chaired by Mr Virendra Sharma MP with Chairman of Karnataka Legislative Council Mr.Shankaramurthy.D.H as the Chief Guest  

The Meet

UK Karnataka Business Meet 2013 was organised at Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London, which was chaired by Mr Virendra Sharma MP with Chairman of Karnataka Legislative Council Mr.Shankaramurthy.D.H as the Chief Guest. Through this Business Meet we were able to provide insight into the opportunities in Karnataka and provoke further interest about ways to expand businesses in Karnataka. The event was meant to herald innovative avenues to foster stronger UK-Karnataka bilateral trade relations. The attendees included government representative from Karnataka, Members of House of Commons, representatives from UK companies and Indian companies who are interested in South India and businessmen from South India who are successful in UK.

Programme summary

Mr.Virendra Sharma MP welcomed the delegates attending the business meet. Sujit S Nair, FRSA played the role of anchor during the business meet.

After the welcome from Mr.Sharma, Sri D.H.Shankaramurthy, Chairman of, Karnataka Legislative Council spoke about the advantages which Karnataka provides to businesses which invest in the state. Mr.Mike Nithavrianakis, who until recently was British Deputy High commissioner , South India provided an overview of doing business in Karnataka which was based on his experience of being one of top British. Mr.Sujit.S.Nair, Director/ read out the message from Mr.S.R.Patil, Minister for Planning and Statistics, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka, India who was not able to travel to the event due to unavoidable reasons. Mr.Satish Chandra, Chairman of Global Tech Park, outlined the reason which make Karnataka an ideal IT Destination. Mr.Robert Holland/ Mr.Peter Whalley , partners at James Cowper LLP, a leading independent firm of accountants and business advisers based in UK, shared some of their secrets through which they are helping businesses to succeed in India and UK.

As part of the initiative to showcase a collaboration between a UK Bangalore based company and a UK based company, Mr.Paul Richard from Tracc films spoke about his experience of collaborating with a company in Bangalore to offer video Production Services For Every Kind Of Audience. Jason Thorne, Managing Director or Enorth Group, spoke outlined his reasons of expanding his business into India.

Photos of the event can be viewed here -



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