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Focusing on Automobile sector & Medical equipment/ Healthcare sector in the EU India corridor,

Europe India Centre for

Business & Industry OU


EU India Leaders Conference 2024

5th summit at European Parliament, Brussels

6th March, 2024

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Europe India Centre of Business and Industry and its associate organisations have organised 25 Major summits at British Parliament in London, 4 Major summits at European Parliament in Brussels over the past few years in promoting trade and relations between India and European Union as well as between India and the UK. 

In addition to the physical summits, EICBI has organised number of virtual activities as part of the EuropeIndia40 VIEWS campaign so as to promote discussions amongst the current Members of Parliament and EuropeIndia40 leaders.



Find agenda and post conference report of our previous summit at UK & European Parliament and other locations HERE


Location - European Parliament, Brussels

1 PM


Mr Abhishek Tripathi
Managing Director - Abhiflo/ Vice Chair- EICBI

1 PM - 1.10 PM

Welcome to EILC 2024

Mr Sujit S Nair.
Chairman - Europe India Centre for Business and Industry

1.10 PM - 1.20 PM

Welcome Address

Mr Lars Patrick Berg MEP
Member of European Parliament - Germany, ECR Group

Member - Delegation for Relations with India, European Parliament

1.20 PM - 1.30 PM

Keynote Address 

Mr. Dacian Ciolos MEP
Member of European Parliament - Romania/ Former Prime Minister - Romania/ RENEW Europe Group - European Parliament / Ex - EU Commissioner -  Agriculture and Rural Development

1.30 PM - 1.40 PM

Keynote Address


1.40 PM - 2.00 PM

  • Felicitations.

  • Certificates to EuropeIndia40 leaders

Moderated by
Cllr Aarien Areti

Councillor - London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea/ Vice Chair - EICBI

2.00 PM - 3.00 PM

Panel Discussion 1 - An overview of EU India relationship 
India and the EU are strategic partners, with a relationship that dates back to the early 1960s. The two sides have a comprehensive dialogue and cooperation mechanism, which covers a wide range of issues, including trade and investment, security, climate change, and sustainable development. This session will focus on the following aspects

  • Critical milestones in the history of India-EU trade relations

  • India-EU relations in the current geopolitical context

  • The evolution of EU-India relations from economic to other domains like science, technology, space, health, environment etc.


  • Mr Abhinav Kumar - Global Chief Marketing & Communications Officer - Tata Consultancy Services

  • Mr Nicolas Kohler-Suzuki - Associate Researcher, Jacques Delors Institute

  • Mr Jean-marc FENET - Ex Minister-Counsellor for economic affairs in India and South Asia, French Embassy, India/ Professor - Essec Business School

  •  Dr Cristina Vanberghen- Senior Expert - European Commission/ Academic and Political commentator

Ms Manisha Reuter - Deputy Director, Asia Programme - European Council on Foreign Relations

3.00 PM - 4.00 PM

Panel Discussion 2 - EU-India collaboration opportunities for the automotive industry
This discussion will focus on companies that have successfully collaborated or exploring collaboration on automotive projects between the EU and India. This would allow the panellists to share their insights and experiences with the audience, and to highlight the benefits of such collaboration. This session will focus on the following aspects.

  • What are the key trends shaping the automotive industry in India and the EU?

  • What are the challenges that need to be addressed in order to boost trade and investment in the automotive sector between the EU and India?

  • Opportunities for joint ventures and other forms of cooperation between EU and Indian automotive companies.

  • What role can governments play in promoting EU-India collaboration in the automotive industry?


  • Ms Angela Mans - Head of Foreign Trade and International Relations - German Association of the Automotive Industry e.V. (VDA)

  • Mr Rajarshi Sahai - Venture Partner, MobilityFund

  • Advocate CA Harsh Patel - Founder & CEO - Water and Shark : International Corporate & Tax Lawyer

  • Mr Suresh Latchoumanassamy - Director, Segula Technologies

Mr Alexander Deblond - Founding Partner - Patroklos/ Lecturer -Thomas More Business School / Doctoral researcher - University of Antwerp

4.00 PM - 5.00 PM

Panel Discussion 3 - EU-India collaboration opportunities for the Healthcare/ medical equipment industry
This discussion will focus on companies that have successfully collaborated or exploring collaboration on Healthcare/ medical equipment projects between the EU and India. This would allow the panellists to share their insights and experiences with the audience, and to highlight the benefits of such collaboration. This session will focus on the following aspects.

  • What’s driving the growth we see in the medical devices market in India ?

  • What’s the opportunity for EU companies in medical devices in India and what Gov schemes exist?

  • What are the key trends shaping the Healthcare/ medical equipment industry in India and the EU?

  • How can the EU and India collaborate to improve access to affordable and high-quality healthcare/ medical equipment in both regions?

  • What role can governments play in promoting EU-India collaboration in the medical equipment industry?


  • Dr Ravishankar Polisetty; Founder CEO - Sai Ganga Panakeia Private Limited/ Cardiovascular Surgeon/ Naturopath


  • Ms Shruti Chandra - Vice President, Invest India

  • Mr Santosh Kumar - InvestorCEO - B2B Growth

  • Mr Anoop Vasavan - Managing Director - AVA Cholayil Health Care Pvt. Ltd

5.00 PM - 5.10 PM

Closing remarks

Mr Ludovic Dalleau - Founder/ President Indian Business Club, France

5.10 PM - 6.00 PM

Networking with Canapes and drinks


  • Proven strategies, authentic experiences, and fresh thinking that business leaders can learn from and implement with confidence. 

  • Join CEOs, CFOs, Exec. GMs, marketers, and Board members will receive an extensive briefing on strategies to pursue your business in India and the EU.  

  • Interaction with experts from the UK and India which helps in updating the knowledge at interactive sessions

  • Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas 

  • Scope of enhancing marketing opportunities and collaborations 

  • Network with critical experts (EU/ UK/ India) and explore new business opportunities

  • Sharing and learning of best practices and success stories

  • Sharing your points of view on growth enablers and get feedback for the same from other experts at the conference


'EU India Leaders Conference 2024' will bring considerable benefits to all the leaders who attend by increasing access to the connections in the EU India corridor, financing, resources, and strategic insight to grow their business across continents.


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Europe India Centre for Business and Industry OU Ltd ( EICBI OU) is registered in Estonia with registry code - 16606213. Europe India Centre for Business and Industry Ltd, registered in England and Wales as company limited by guarantee, with registration number : 10608627. EICBI is managed by India based Section 8 organisation, Sivaleen  Foundation for Developed India. The business meets & delegation visits of EICBI is initiated, implemented and executed by Sivaleen  Foundation for Developed India (SFDI). EICBI OU's EU Transparency Register 423661050520-44


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