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'Europe India Business Leaders Conference 2019'

10th April, 2019 - European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) & TBC

11th April, 2019 - Industrial visit to Wallonia

'Europe India Business Leaders Conference 2019'

(EIBLC2019), our 23rd summit in the European Union during the course of this decade, is a must-attend event for founders and established business leaders looking for new markets and growth opportunities for their ventures in India and EU. The conference will be held on 10th April and 11th April with discussions and interactions on 10th April in Brussels and industrial visit to Wallonia on 11th April.

EIBLC 2019 follows the hosting of 22 business summits in the European Union ( at the British Parliament and European Parliament) whereby EICBI & its delivery partner Sivaleen Inc, has engaged 3100 delegates from 2000 companies

The summit at the European Parliament will be chaired by Member of European Parliament and Vice Chair of European Parliament delegation for relations with India, Hon Caroline Nagtegaal. The summit is expected to attract business leaders from the European Union, UK, India, policymakers from European Union and India, Members of European Parliament and other invited guests. 


The summit aims to provide Indian and EU business leaders with access to the connections, financing, resources and strategic insight they need to grow their business in India and EU.  The goal of the summit is to inspire business leaders from the EU and India about the potential of EU India relations for a deeper commercial relationship.


Some of the participating organisations include Spanish Permanent Representation in EU, EU40, Xynteo, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Brussels, Mohan Electro Casting Pvt Ltd, Apex Pharmaceuticals, Durofibretex, Intercity Consulting,, European Parliament,  Kalmtech, European Commission, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Vlerick Group, PSS, Antithesis, TIAO, Nishith Desai Associates, Home Credit International, Invest in  Wallonia, Paper plus Europe, German Association of the Automotive Industry, Be - Come, Brunel University, Swedish Trade Federation, LifeSpace Blinds, Somayaji Group, VDA, SBD CONSULT sarl, IFIN talent, BPEA Consulting Sprl,  Onenak, London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Creactos Palmyga, Made-from-malai, Greenland Representation in the EU, Belgium India Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Incubateur Descartes amongst others.  




  • Business leaders from micro, small and medium scale enterprises

  • Investors and Investment seekers

  • Banking and Financial Institution Representatives

  • Consultants seeking new engagements

  • Accountants who can help new companies

  • Solicitors/Lawyers who provide guidance

  • Senior Academicians and Thought Leaders

Top 40 under 40 EU-India Leaders list ( #EuIndia40)


In the year 2017, India and the EU celebrated 55 years of diplomatic relations. With Brexit opening new possibilities for furthering EU India relations, there has been a lot of discussions in the EU India trade corridor that Brexit will make trade deals between EU and India a little easier. 


We believe that what would really play a key role in developing a stronger EU India relations when compared to other factors is leadership. Young leaders with bright minds are not just seeking personal profit but are also committed to fostering closer cooperation between India and the EU.


From our experience of playing a key role in promoting EU India trade relations over the last decade, we can proudly say that future of the EU India relations looks very exciting as a new brand of young leaders is emerging from both sides.


Europe India Centre for Business and Industry is proud to acknowledge the contributions of these young leaders who will play an important part in shaping EU India trade relations during the next few decades.  


EuIndia40, an initiative of EICBI to discover Top 40 under 40 EU-India Leaders, will cover the stories of these young leaders and their contributions in promoting EU India relations. The list will be released at the European Parliament during the Europe India Business Leaders Conference and the leaders in the list will be profiled and promoted through our various marketing channels.

We will be scouting the EU India Corridor to discover potential leaders who can be part of the list. If you are aged 40 or under and would like to nominate yourself or would like to nominate someone who is playing a role in promoting a stronger EU India relations, either through their business activity, think tank, NGO, Charity, trade body etc, please find the nomination form here -


Find agenda and post conference report of our previous summit on 25th & 26th September 2018 at European Parliament and other locations HERE


           LOCATION – TBC

10.00 AM - 10.30 AM

Welcome Tea & Coffee

10:30 AM – 10:40 AM

Welcome address

10:40 AM – 11:00 AM

Doing business in EU

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM

EU in a snapshot 

11:10 AM – 12:00 PM

The economic outlook in Belgium and EU

12.00 PM - 12.30 PM

Delegates introduction

12:30 PM – 12:40 PM

Closing remarks

*Please note: Agenda is subject to change




2.30 PM

Tour of European Parliament and Networking


4:00 PM – 4:10 PM

Welcome to EIBLC 2018

  • Hon Caroline Nagtegaal MEP ( Netherlands) - Vice Chair-European Parliament delegation for relations with India/ Patron - Europe India Centre for Business & Industry

4:10 PM – 4:20 PM

Europe India Business Leaders Conference – An overview

  • Mr Sujit S Nair., FRSA

  • Chairman – Europe India Centre for Business & Industry

4:20 PM – 4:30 PM


  • .

4:30 PM – 4:45 PM

An overview of EU India trade relationship

  • Panel discussion

4:45 PM – 5:15 PM

Building your brand for success in Indian and EU market

Panel discussion

5:15 PM – 5:45 PM

Obtaining financing to grow your business in India and EU market

Panel discussion

5 :45 PM – 6:15 PM

Legal considerations for EU Entrepreneurs in India and Indian Entrepreneurs in EU

Panel discussion

6:15 AM – 6:45 PM

Expanding sales in EU Market and Indian market

Panel discussion

6:45 PM – 7: 00 PM

Closing session and Networking




9.45 AM - 10.00 AM

Bus will pick the delegates from European Parliament

11. 00 AM

Meeting with Enterprises European Network in Wallonia

12:30 PM

Visit to India Subcontinent Welcome Office of Wallonia Trade and Investment agency

1:30 PM

Networking Lunch

2:30 PM

Visit to Industry in Wallonia

6.00 PM

Reach Brussels


  • Proven strategies, real experiences, fresh thinking that business leaders can learn from and implement with confidence. 

  • Join CEOs, CFOs, Exec. GMs, Marketers and Board members to receive an extensive briefing on strategies to pursue your business in India and EU.  

  • Indian companies invests more in the UK than whole of European Union ( EU ) put together. Also, there is very less awareness of opportunities in India amongst small scale companies in EU. Therefore, this summit can help business leaders from India to know more about EU Market and tap opportunities in EU and business leaders from EU to know more about Indian market.

  • Post Brexit, Indian companies who are looking to tap European market might want to set up their base in a EU country so as to get access to single market.

  • Interaction with experts from EU and India which helps in updating the knowledge at interactive sessions

  • Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas 

  • Scope of enhancing marketing opportunities and collaborations 

  • Network with key experts (EU/ India) and explore new business opportunities

  • Sharing and learning of best practices and success stories

  • Sharing your points of view on growth enablers and get feedback for the same from other experts at the conference


'Europe India Business Leaders Conference 2019' will bring huge benefits to all the leaders who attend by increasing access to the connections in EU India corridor, financing, resources and strategic insight for growing their business across continents.


There are two options for delegates to attend the summit. 

  • A delegate can become a strategic partner by paying Rs 50,000 and attend all our summits for a year. As a strategic partner of Europe India Centre for Business and Industry, one gets:

    • Priority access to EICBI business meets/ events/ partner events for a year.

    • Access to the delegate list ( Delegate name, Designation, Organisation) of our summits

    • Your logo and link on the “Strategic Partners” page of EICBI website for year.

    • Opportunities to promote your organisation  in EICBI E-Newsletter.

    • Offers from our partner organisations

    • Speaking opportunities and exposure of your brand during EICBI activities

    • Opportunities to organise joint events when possible.

    • Broadcast your announcement and news through our social media channels.​

  • If a delegate is interested only to attend the Europe India Business Leaders Conference 2019 and not become a strategic partner, the fee is  Rs 25000. (Please note that becoming a Strategic Partner is a recommended option as it allows access to all the events over a period of one year for the price of just two events, and much more as briefed above.) 



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Ms. Naomi Canton

UK-based journalist who writes about Indian affairs

This was an excellent event with many high-profile speakers in which topics of immense importance to the UK and India were discussed. Healthcare professionals from India and the UK attended and it provided great networking opportunities for them as well as a platform for the challenges and opportunities in investing in healthcare sector in India to be discussed. It was a vitally important topic. The sessions were well structured and it was very well organised


Dr Vishaal Virani

Co founder - Ada Health

I would like to thank you for all the work you did for the summit.  It was an excellent afternoon, and went very smoothly and efficiently. This was a fantastic event to help us further our ambitions to collaborate with Indian healthcare partners. The speakers and panel sessions were very insightful, and I met some very interesting contacts to follow up with. 

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Mr. Mike Berry

Director - 600 Group

“I was delighted to chair one of the panel sessions at the recent Manufacturing Summit. The number and quality of attendees meant we could have a good discussion and I hope other delegates got as much from the event as I did”




( British Parliament


European Parliament)







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